Kent Probate Indexes ACC
Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury
Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury Act Books, 1630-1728
Canterbury Cathedral Library and Archives class PRC43/6-9
Canterbury Cathedral Library and Archives class PRC43/6-9
These four volumes form part of the magisterial series of probate records for the Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury. They comprise groups of wills and administrations, each of around nine months, and were compiled during the archbishop’s visitation. The date range is 1630-1728.
The index appears twice, sorted by surname and then by parish, every entry showing name, parish, date (in new style) and volume/folio reference. The principal point of interest to pursue is the grantee – often a spouse or child, but sometimes a sibling, cousin, grandparent, grandchild, creditor or other person. Some cases are more complex and may indicate earlier or later grants, the care of young children, legal disputes and so on.
There are about 2,200 entries, of which some 80% are bachelors or married men, and the rest widows or spinsters, plus the occasional married woman. A fair number of people appear several times, indicating the progression of probate/intestacy or a dispute concerning it. There are also a very few parish sequestrations, entered under the parish name.
Most (perhaps all) of the wills will be found in the Cozens index on the Kent Archaeological Society website, but the administrations are a unique series not entered into the main volumes of act books in class PRC3. That series itself (as well as the Consistory Court act books in class PRC22) remains unindexed at the time of writing, and would prove a pleasant challenge to anyone with even basic Latin. Contact me for help or advice if you might be interested in taking it on! It would be a hugely valuable resource upon completion.
Please note that Sellindge and Selling are variously spelled and not always easy to differentiate with certainty; it may therefore be wise to check both parishes.
Adm Administration
Cav Caveat
Com Commission
Nunc Nuncupative
Ren Renunciation
Seq Sequestration
The index appears twice, sorted by surname and then by parish, every entry showing name, parish, date (in new style) and volume/folio reference. The principal point of interest to pursue is the grantee – often a spouse or child, but sometimes a sibling, cousin, grandparent, grandchild, creditor or other person. Some cases are more complex and may indicate earlier or later grants, the care of young children, legal disputes and so on.
There are about 2,200 entries, of which some 80% are bachelors or married men, and the rest widows or spinsters, plus the occasional married woman. A fair number of people appear several times, indicating the progression of probate/intestacy or a dispute concerning it. There are also a very few parish sequestrations, entered under the parish name.
Most (perhaps all) of the wills will be found in the Cozens index on the Kent Archaeological Society website, but the administrations are a unique series not entered into the main volumes of act books in class PRC3. That series itself (as well as the Consistory Court act books in class PRC22) remains unindexed at the time of writing, and would prove a pleasant challenge to anyone with even basic Latin. Contact me for help or advice if you might be interested in taking it on! It would be a hugely valuable resource upon completion.
Please note that Sellindge and Selling are variously spelled and not always easy to differentiate with certainty; it may therefore be wise to check both parishes.
Adm Administration
Cav Caveat
Com Commission
Nunc Nuncupative
Ren Renunciation
Seq Sequestration
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